When Movies Pay Homage To Jaws Part 1

I have exclude the movies that purely make dialogue homages, like the overuse of the phrase, “you’re going to need a bigger boat”. No, you have to add a scene that references the movie and runs the fine line of ripping it off. The dog homage’s  are in a separate post.

Shark Night 2011, lone girl taken in a scene similar to Charisse’s, the first attack in Jaws.

Swamp Shark 2011, A head in the boat wreckage like Ben Garners.

Bull Shark 2022, Sharks demise by explosive canister.

2 Headed Shark 2012, Another explosive ending.

Black Demon 2023. A Protagonist says that he has no spit prior to a dive. Like Hooper did in Jaws.

The Last Shark, after repeated viewings I am starting to see this as a homage. Is this the distance of time, the nostalgic feel or something else. True it's trying to cash in on the popularity of Jaws and its sequel that came out 3 years earlier, but there seems to be a genuine love of the original in that you would want to revisit it so closely?

 Stalkers Prey 3 2021, The Antagonist is a shark obsessive passing himself off as a shark expert. His name is Bruce. come on it’s too much of a coincidence, right!


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