Sharks Don’t Like Bubbles. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 No Way Up 2024 is a survival movie. It also ticks the right boxes for a  sharksploitation tag as well. It’s a good blend as the setup spends some quality time in character development and back story that is not normally associated with sharksploitation. The upshot was I was able to pick cast members I would like to see encounter a shark early in act 1. The tension and terror is kept high by a plot which is evenly paced. There were a few noticeable actions that took me out of total emersion, however they are minor. For example a shark dragging a victim backwards through an only partially water filled aircraft isle. The shark scenes in general  though are well handled and you rarely get to linger on their form (these guys at least learnt something from Jaws). The attacks are quick, intense and violent. I was impressed with the scene source lighting, it felt both realistic and chilling, helping of course to add to the already visually truncated claustrophobic aircraft location. I found myself counting the seconds that cast members held there breathe, it’s longer than I ever could and seemed a bit of a stretch . I tried to hold mine for the story suggested 2 minutes but couldn’t make 1:45. Well If a movie can make me experiment like that it certainly is engaging. Highly entertaining and recommended.


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