If You Swim You Die.

Bull Shark 2, 2024 is the second in a trilogy.  I don't normally give much time to sequels as they tend, in the sharksploitation genre, to try building from uninteresting story ideas trading on the success of the first outing. However, having recently rewatched Jaws 2 and seeing how good that was as and of itself, maybe Bull Shark 2 would similarly entertain. After all the first bull shark movie was quite well handled in my opinion. Plus, if this is going to be a trilogy then there must be some large arcing storyline journey, right? Straight away however I found it hard to engage with its one-dimensional lead character as this time we are heavily subjected to his emotional baggage. The support characters do not deserve the pronoun, support either. The dialogue is sharp, clipped and confrontational, no room for character empathy or development. The first movie appears here in reprise to a large extent to get you back on board which seemed a bit excessive if this was going to be developed over three outings. That’s where this movie fails for me. It’s just a repeat of the first movies plot with little variation and the heroes journey doesn’t move far down the path. The shark renders are strangely out of place, luckily we can rely on the good old rubber shark fin for continuity.  Nothing here for sharksploitation fans as the attacks feel half hearted at best. Bull shark 3 which was shot the same time as 2 seems unnecessary if they aren’t growing from the initial story.



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