It’s A Scientific Fact Killer Sharks Wont Swim In Shore. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

 12 Days Of Terror 2004, Is a made for TV dramatisation of events that occurred in waters off northern New Jersey in July 1916. Although shot in Cape town, South Africa it does a good job of capturing the look of the period. Despite its documentary style pretensions this is sharksploitation. The script uses the elements you will find in Jaws, such as grizzled shark hunter with a gravelly voice, political tension with beach closures and the climactic boss battle. The shark attacks are well handled and quite tense as the victims are all back storied to a degree. Although the shark species was never truly identified this movie leans in favour of the great white. It’s an enjoyable outing with most of the historical facts intact but with some extra dramatisation added. If you're interested there is a book by the same name released in 2016 that covers the true story comprehensively.


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