I Don’t Want To Be In A Found Footage Movie. ⭐️

 Noah’s Shark 2021 is a Polonia brothers movie, so I feared the worst in terms of story whilst hoping to still find enjoyment in the low production values in over ambitious scenes. In this outing we are given something a little different. For starters we get to see a shark in a biblical back story, that’s new. Also I took some comfort in seeing the same actors from there many other productions. It means that your attention to the story will not be distracted by any attempt at drama. Luckily so because the story Is compelling if for nothing else other than its outlandishness. It also takes a new direction in cinematography (For Mark Polonia anyway); it gets a bit arty in places and it suits the convoluted story. Unfortunately the shark itself doesn’t put in the requisite number of appearances that sharksploitation normally demands and most of what we do get is repetitive.  The oft used rubber shark fin makes another appearance but it’s not enough. There is nothing substantial in any part of the production to make this a good movie even the biblical/occult theme never really pops just fizzles. Another great idea that never quite delivers on its initial promise from this prolific team.


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