Something Riled Them Up. ⭐⭐⭐

Ozark Sharks 2015, aired on the Syfy channel in 2016. It is also known as Summer Shark Attack. It takes an unlikely premise for a plot that is chock full of sharksploitation tropes. You will however find yourself favorably engaging with the family of protagonists early, which makes what is to follow after the first 20 minutes that much more tensioned. The soundtrack is a traditionally orchestrated affair that compliments the tension build. The attacks are many and bloody whilst largely comedically done and they get more elaborate as the movie progresses. The sharks are a mixture of live action footage and CGI (plus the obligatory towed fin) which is basically rendered but the attack set up's make up for this. What sets this movie apart from similar movies of the same ilk such as Swamp Shark 2011 and Shark Shock 2017, Bull Shark 2022 is the dedication to new and unique armament used in terminating the riled-up population of bull sharks. I found myself unusually bias in favor of the effected family rather than the sharks which is a change from my usual reactions to Syfy characters. All up this is well worth the time of any sharksploitation fan. I can't wait to see this movie again in English as the version I saw was in French. If the dialogue is as good as the movie is visually then maybe it will get that extra star.

This Probably Won't End Well.

Alternative Title


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