My System Of Dominion Over The Sharks. ⭐⭐⭐

 Empire Of The Sharks 2017 is a Syfy channel movie. It was touted as a sequel to Planet Of The Sharks 2016 but as far as I can tell it only shares the props and a few supporting actors to lay claim to that notion. Well, possibly that it's a futuristic Waterworld as well. I did watch this one directly after Planet Of The Sharks so unavoidably it's going to be compared. We get more leaping great whites and more overacting than Planet Of The Sharks. The plot is outlandish, with lots of outlandish plot devices such as a Goblin/great white hybrid suicide shark with the now familiar deep shark growl.  All up this movie has more sharks than your standard Sharknado. Theirs enough here then to keep the sharksploitation fan entertained for its 1 hour 29 minutes.

DVD Slick.


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