I'm A Shark Cop Not A Politician. ⭐⭐

 Invasion Of The Monster Shark 2022 is an instructional Joeys Monster Movies, movie, a no budget movie. Currently available exclusively on Utube. At this time, it has had a total of 70 viewings over 10 months. Which is a shame as it deserves a wider audience for its can-do approach and cheap and cheerful aesthetic. I applaud this type of production as in the final days of February 2024 the movie world is changing forever, right before our eyes with the meteoritic rise of machine assisted graphics and text to video editing. (I don't think it warrants being called AI yet) Joey, the maverick maker of many, many short monster movies maybe the last of the traditional monster movie makers. He knows the genre and is able to make a tongue in cheek summation of sharksploitation in under 5 minutes. There's nothing to commend it visually or dialogue wise but it is concise and will bring a knowing smile. In Joeys own words, "This is not the right way to make movies, this is my way to make movies".  I would recommend it purely as a primer for the sharksploitation uninitiated. I would recommend it as a last hurrah to human crafted production in movie making. Come on what have you got to lose for less than 5 minutes; I mean the world of movies will be vastly different in the time I've spent writing this.

Check out the art, suddenly I am the graphic design director I always thought I was thanks to Deus Ex Machina.

Thanks To Deus Ex Machina I Am An Artist.


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