Fasten Your Seatbelts And Refrain From Smoking. ⭐⭐

Cyclone 1978 is a Mexican survival movie. You have to appreciate that this movie was made at the tail end of a decade littered with disaster movies. Add then the huge impact that Jaws had, and it seems inevitable that someone was going to cash in on the twin phenomena. Enter then one Rene Cardona Jr who also directed the shark movie Tintorera in 1977. The director I believe to be the progenitor of the bikini count in sharksploitation. Cyclone is a snapshot of its time, cheesy soundtrack, dead pan acting, two dimensional characters and you could smoke on airlines. Having lived through this movie era I can genuinely attest to the plot having been influenced by The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering Inferno, both having pioneered this sort of survival plot development. The sharks turn up about 40 minutes in using footage of Tiger sharks accompanied by some primitive electronic music that just kills any tension. Mind you getting the live action to look like a genuine shark attack is well done. The body count rises toward the end of the movie so does the persistence of that annoying soundtrack. It is still watchable today despite the absence of CGI or a rubber shark. Not true sharksploitation but certainly an early indicator of what it would become. 

I'd Rather Take The Storm, Thanks.

 Classic Chumming Of The Waters.


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