One For The Bucket List. ⭐⭐

Shark Waters 2022 is an Asylum movie. It's not to be confused with the excellent 2007 Shark Water documentary. It is shot in the murky waters off Tampa Florida. Right from the start the shark attacks are bloody and brutal and the excessive red murk's the water further. This murk suits the CGI sharks making their light render passably believable. Not Since Killer Sharks 2021 do we see sharks that have those great expressive smirks. The plot settles down early into over wordy flat dialogue drawn out at the expense of the stories pacing. But we are here for the sharks, and we do get ample time on the subject making the movie suspenseful enough. The most outstanding aspect is that no other sharksploitation movie to date has so much red in the water. 

DVD Slick USA Release.

Not Even Safe On The Sandbar.


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