Kyle, We Are Moving Away From Land.

Requin 2022 is a survival at sea movie, and I have watched it twice to see if my opinion of this movie had changed. It hasn’t. But for review purposes I gave it a go. Going on a couples retreat when one member is carrying all the mental baggage makes for a grating plot experience. Who wants to see a movie about bad life choices with no redemption. Two distinctly unlikable melodramatic characters in a farfetched situation and the only thing that you think might save this movie as a spectacle are the impending sharks. Well, you have to wait 56 minutes into this 85-minute movie for that expectation to be filled. The sharks' scenes are perfunctory stock and CGI. There is little to recommend the underwhelming finish as well. However, I have learnt that in acting there are good plot driving hysterics and then there are now the Requin class hysterics.

The Above Happening 10 Minutes In Would Have Been Perfect.

The Happy Couple.


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