Birth Of The Bikini Count.

Tintorera 1977 Is a Mexican/British movie directed by Rene Cardona Jr. It is based on a novel of one Ramon Bravo, who was a sort of Mexican Jacques Cousteau. He discovered the sleeping sharks of Isla Mujeres. Which would be a great title for a sharksploitation film. I think it is safe to say that this movie is the progenitor of the bikini count in sharksploitation. The version I have seen (in Spanish) is the edited domestic version as the unedited version was explicit and for foreign markets. The plot is a twisted romance tale that seems at odds with the shark content, making the whole movie awkward. I can't say that this movie holds up for today’s audience in production values, and well just values in general. An awful lot of real sharks were killed in the making of this movie and I found myself in distain of the attitudes on display. Coming only 3 years after the release of Jaws I can't see Its advertised inspiration at work here. A dated cash in and a curiosity at best.

A slight exaggeration

There Are Over 12 International Posters For This Movie.


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